Monday, July 15, 2013

Best of Pueblo 2013 - Vote Pueblo Zoo!

Best of Pueblo 2013 voting starts on Tuesday! 

We were winners last year, so be sure and vote for the one and only Pueblo Zoo. 
You can vote as many times as you like! 
Voting ends Tuesday, July 30th.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Pueblo Zoo welcomes two porcupettes

The Pueblo Zoo welcomed two baby African Crested Porcupines early this morning, June 28, 2013. The babies and mom are doing well. After their first vet check up, it has been confirmed that we have one girl and one boy. You can see them at the Islands of Life building!

Property Theft from Motor Vehicles in City Parks

The City of Pueblo Parks and Recreation Department and its contracted facilities would like to make the public aware of an ongoing problem within the parks' parking areas. Vehicles are being damaged and burglarized while left unattended in the parking lots at parks throughout Pueblo. These incidents have been crimes of opportunity where personal valuables have been stored in plain sight within the vehicle and have been stolen in a smash-and-grab manner.

The Parks and Recreation Department will be intensifying patrols through the hardest hit areas with park rangers and community volunteers in an effort to reduce and/or eliminate the ongoing vehicle burglaries. The Parks and Recreation Department would like its citizens to do their part by taking the following precautions when attending events or programs in one of the City's parks or facilities.
1. Lock vehicles and roll up windows
2. When possible, leave desirable items at home
3. Store valuables out of sight or in the cargo area
4. When possible, park your vehicle in a conspicuous area
5. If you witness a crime, try to get as much identifying information as possible including: height, weight, ethnicity, clothing, vehicle type, license number, tattoos, and other personal characteristics.